
At St. Mary’s we are committed to the safeguarding of the whole church community and especially to the protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults. This is the responsibility of everyone involved in church life and is overseen by:


Mrs Charlotte Wilson  
Parish Safeguarding Officer  
07981 040067  

who work together with the Parish Safeguarding Officer at St. Francis’, Kim Teare,

During the interrugnum period, you may also contact the church wardens, Mr David Taylor or Mrs Gifty Nortey at

Please contact any of the above if you wish to discuss any safeguarding concerns.  Discussions can be in confidence but we will, or you may choose to, refer serious concerns directly and immediately to Bromley Social Services,  020 8461 7373/7379/7026 (out of hours 0300 303 8671) for a child, or for an adult 020 8461 7777; or to the Police, as well as to the Southwark Diocesan Safeguarding Team. (020 7939 9423)

St. Mary’s and St. Francis’ have adopted the policies and guidelines set out in ‘A Safe Church’ published by the Diocese of Southwark, available in the church vestibule or on line @



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