West Wickham Choir

West Wickham Choir  (Churches Together in West Wickham (CTWW) supported)

West Wickham Choir was created out of the former regular choirs of St. Francis’ Church, St. Mary’s Church, and Emmanuel United Reformed Church who were accustomed to working together, and the invitation was extended to St. John’s and other churches, choirs and individual singers from those beginnings.

The driving force for this choir is now centred mainly on St. Mary’s Church but with strong support still from St. Francis’ Church despite their lack of sufficient choir personnel for a regular independent group.


The planned 2024 programme is for

{1} a summer concert on Saturday 13th July at St. Francis’ Church (7.30pm)

{2} the annual “Big Christmas Sing” on Saturday 7th December at St. Francis’ Church at 4pm.

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